Sunday 31 July 2011

The String Movement;

In the past month or so, anyone who is connected on the social networking website, facebook, will know that a couple of people started something called 'The String movement' event page. I believe they also set up a tumblr too. Check them out if you are yet to hear about it:

The concept behind the idea is sweet and simple; to disarm bullying. To tie a piece of, coloured, string around your wrist to say that you do not tolerate bullying and you want it to stop. The event appears to be motivated by a recent teenage girls death, who was believed to have been bullied and harassed, until she felt like her only option was to take her own life.

I have never been someone who has ever really been a victim of bullying. Sure I have been bullied before, unfortunately, who hasn't. But I was fairly well liked kid and blessed through school to have decent friends always surrounding me (and still do), who were always there for me. So whenever a 'bully' got  me down, it didn't matter. However, I definitely saw my fair share of people being bullied, so that's why I decided to join the facebook event, along with the other current 11, 000 + people. To stand up for all the victims of bullying, today (July 31st); when the event began.

Below is a poor quality picture of my 'string'. I decided to weave mine out of embroidery thread. I even wove one for my Mom to wear today, (because I'm a lovely child ;) even though she did neglect to wear it for most of the day.
The facebook event states that the end date of the event will go until October 31st. Whether or not this was a random end date without significance meant or whether that date was chosen with intent, I  have decided that for each day until October 31st, I will give my best efforts to weave a new colourful string bracelet (at the end of which I will try to weave them all together), in memory of all those who have not just taken their lives as a result of bullying, but even for the ones who have had their lives taken directly, by their bullies.

A message to the bullies out there: You are not bad people, you are simply people who have made bad choices. This event is for you too. This is you're opportunity to step up and take responsibility for your actions. You and you alone have the ability to change you're behaviour and be a person who says no to bullying too. To be someone you can honestly say, you are proud to be. Don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself and what your actions may have caused, be an active example of the kind of change this world needs to see. After all we are all just books waiting to be written.

So this blog post is a Thank You to the people who created this event. I hope you can spread the message far and wide and truly make an impact.

I will leave you  with this quote, which is for everyone, but inparticular, those who are still facing their bullies on a daily basis:

"Some people won't be happy until they've pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away."
— Donna Schoenrock 


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