Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 2;

-A letter to yourself as a child.

Dear Child Self, 

Your a quiet kid and shy around people you don't know (and do know): you don't know this yet, but later you will realize that it worked in your favour.

You'll learn quickly that you don't always have to do what is asked of you and that it's okay for you to be different from the rest of the family. Despite what they make you believe, you can be independant and do things on your own and succeed them.

Your going to make lots of mistakes, and people are going to give you a hard time with allowing you to forget them, but you'll learn not to let that get you down (eventually).

Your going to tell silly lies and break peoples hearts. Don't feel so bad, that's life. Your also going to get your heart broken but don't worry, that pain will go away and it wont hurt for as long as you might think it will.

You'll lose friends, some of them irreplaceable, but you'll make some amazing new ones too.

You'll figure out that not doing something constructive drives you insane and that it's best to keep yourself busy, as much as possible.

I'm sorry to tell you, but no matter how hard you work at it, you will still remain as clumsy and uncoordinated as you are now, but you'll take extra care of yourself because of it.

Take better care of your health. Mom was right all those times she told you 'it's not smart to play in the rain.' You're going to catch colds easily. 

You'll work really hard in school, but later on, you'll start to feel like your not getting anywhere. Keep trying, you WILL get there.

Your strange and bizarre characteristics that your self conscious about, those will be the characteristics that people later in your life, will love the most about you.

Keep your head up, stay strong. You are worthy of peoples time, even when some of the people in your life make you feel like you aren't. 

Have Patience and continue to want to do good by people; that driving passion to help others more than yourself, that's what you'll make your career out of.
Don't shut others out, your going to want to do this often, but it'll be better if you let people into your life. Not everybody is horrible and untrustworthy.

Don't be afraid to take risks, just be careful with the level of stupidity of the risks you take. For the most part, you'll be sensible and even the risks that get you into lots of trouble, will pay off in the end.

Don't ignore what your gut and heart tells you. Your values and morals will be a great guide.
Live by your own expectations, and not how everyone else wants you to. It's okay to be different from your surroundings, and it's okay to do things for yourself once and a while.

Take care little one, you'll be okay.

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