Sunday 6 November 2011

In case it's not obvious/Update

This post looks like an update, here's what's new/been happening since August:

Uni got hectic (hence why bloggin stopped)
I started volunteering for World Vision

(City to Bay Fundraiser Run) 
I've planned and co-ran several youth group activities
Some pictures:
 (Games Night)

(Bowling night fun)
(Halloween Party)
Crossing Guards has made loads of progress
Young adult nights
Parkholme's 50th Celebration (today)
Visit's from Leishy (this weekend)
Decided to go to Kallara Reunion
Decided to spend Christmas in Bendigo (At Leishy's with Kass)
House sat for Kass while she was away again
Experience an earthquake that shook me awake
Life and all it's ups and downs
Enjoying Life Plenty :)

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