Wednesday 23 November 2011

Anything other than...

I haven't been blogging because I cannot think of anything other than how little sleep I've been getting, or how stressed out I am, how sad it makes me when I can't see the people I love and how much I miss them and the people I that are here that are too far away. I can't blog about these things in depth. It doesn't seem right.
I'd rather be anything other than the girl who whinges about all the things that could be better in her life.
 Because here's the thing...
This morning I woke up with clean, dry clothes on, in a nice warm comfortable dry bed, in a nice clean, dry room with a roof over my head. 
I got up and I drank clean water.
I had a clean bathroom. I had 'a' bathroom at all.
I washed myself in privacy.
I put on more clean, dry clothes.
I got myself something to eat.
I educated myself.
I had people to miss.
My stress will go away.
I looked toward the future. I have things to look forward to in my future.
And I did all this after getting a good, safe, undisturbed, nights sleep.
I had entertainment.

I am more fortunate than to whinge about my misfortunes.
I am privileged
I am blessed.
I am loved.

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